Jesus Alvarez Guerrero

Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander (UFPS) - Cucuta, Colombia, MSc. in Information and Communication Technologies from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB) - Medellín, Colombia. Since 2014, Jesús has participated as a researcher in the Research and Development Group of Applications in Information and Communication Technologies. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD Degree at UPB, and acting as a Lecture in the Telecommunications Engineering Program in the same University. His main topics of interest are: signal processing for optical communications, fiber optics communication systems, optical sensing and the design of integrated micro- and nano-photonic devices based on silicon and polymer technologies for biosensing applications.

Jesus Alvarez Guerrero

Visiting ResearcherOptronics and Applied Microtechnologies Laboratory - OptMALabjesus.alvarezg (at)